ISO 14001:2015 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability. ISO 14001:2015 helps an organization achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system, which provide value for the environment, the organization itself and interested parties. Consistent with the organizations environmental policy, the intended outcomes of an environmental management system include:
ISO 14001:2015 is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and nature, and applies to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services that the organization determines it can either control or influence considering a life cycle perspective. The current revision of ISO 14001 was published in September 2015. This helps organizations to identify, manage, monitor, and control the environmental issues. Since This is great for any size organization, from private to government, even non-profits. As part of an overall cleaner image many organizations aim to convey, ISO 14001:2015 will help guide through the consideration of:
An EMS is defined by ISO as: part of the overall management system, that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes, and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, and maintaining the environmental policy & environmental aspect issues.
EMS elements are included in the ISO 14001 EMS and are based on a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) model to ensure that environmental issues are systematically identified, controlled and monitored. The key elements can be described as follows:
The winery should develop a policy statement of its commitment to the environment that should be used as a framework for planning and action. Management may to include only the cellar under the system, although it is recommended to eventually include vineyard practices to ensure client satisfaction.
Winery management must ensure that environmental attributes of all activities in and around the winery and vineyards have been properly identified. Those aspects that could have significant impacts on the environment should be determined and prioritised according to significance. The impacts register should be revised from time to time to reflect changes in the environment as a result of new operations or availability of new scientific information.
The winery must compile and establish a comprehensive list of all environmental, legal, and other provisions, guidelines (such as Integrated production of wine) and regulations, relevant to the production of wine. This list must be revised and updated as new legislation, guidelines and other environmental requirements are promulgated and published.
Management must establish environmental goals for the company that are in line with the policy, environmental impacts, views of interested parties and other factors.
The winery must design, develop and implement appropriate environmental management programs to ensure compliance with its environmental objectives and targets. These programs must be monitored and internally audited from time to time.
The winery must design, develop and implement a manpower management program. Environmental responsibilities, accountability, authority and liability must be assigned to each employee according to his/her capabilities; and responsibility, accountability, authority and liability should be negotiated with each employee and be incorporated in his/her job description/ employment contract.
Staff must be trained to competently assess and comprehend whether their activities constitute a health risk or a risk to the environment.
The winery must ensure effective management of procedures and other system documents.
The winery must identify, plan and manage its operations and activities in line with the policy and objectives and targets.
The winery must ensure that appropriate emergency preparedness programs, plans and schedules are in place and that response procedures are adequate to prevent the spreading of environmental accidents and incidents. Follow-up plans must prevent the recurrence of environmental emergencies. All staff members should be adequately trained and suitable equipment should be provided and applied to ensure effective environmental emergency preparedness.
The winery must ensure that appropriate monitoring and measurement programs, plans, schedules and methods are in place to ensure continued compliance with environmental legal provisions, environmental standards and guidelines imposed on the wine industry. Monitoring and measurement data must be used to test environmental management performance from time to time.
Whenever deviations from the environmental standard occur, appropriate corrective and preventive actions must be instituted to ensure compliance. All corrective and preventive actions must be documented to monitor progress and to ensure successful completion.
The winery must review the appropriateness of the ISO 14001 EMS from time to time to ensure continual improvement in environmental management performance.
Examples can include goals to improve on time delivery, defects, or scrap. The objectives should be designed to be S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based) and should have relevance at all levels of the company, Specific and Measureable Environmental Goals for the Organization:
Objectives: All waste disposal activities to comply with applicable legislation and licence / approvals.
Targets: Maintain 100% conformity with effluent disposal requirements
Programmes: Clear documentation and communication of Waste Disposal processes and Waste Streams.
Controls: Documented and approved EMS. In place and communicated procedures.
Objectives: Increase positive impact on air quality by improving effectiveness of tanker maintenance.
Targets: Achieve 20% reduction of NOx emissions by July 19.
Programmes: Identify key maintenance parameters for NOx reduction. In-house maintenance training/ maintenance schedule spreadsheet. Replace / upgrade older vehicles to comply with current directives.
Controls: Maintenance procedures. Training of Maintenance Technicians. Computerised notification of scheduled maintenance.
Objectives: Reduction of the use of paper. Increased use of recycled Paper.
Targets: Reduction of use of paper by 15% within 12 months. Purchase of recycled paper to increase to 50% of all paper purchased by end Q2 X.year
Programmes: Implementation of paperless systems for ISO management. Improved guidance on printing of documents and emails (e-footer). Review of recycled paper costs and cost reduction initiative with suppliers
Controls: Purchasing procedures and recycling collection. Generation of printed material for internal review (e.g. Tenders) to be reduced through 'smarter' document review process.
Objectives: Increase in the recycling of paper. Reduction of use of ink cartridges.
Targets: To reuse or recycle 90% of paper by end of X Year. Reduce number of ink cartridges used by 30% by Q2 X Year.
Programmes: Introduction of recycling bins. Increased purchase of recycled paper only. Rationalise / reduce number of individual printers and set up network printer. Cartridge re-filling supplied to be established. Purchase of ink cartridges to be monitored.
Controls: Provision and use of paper bin for secure disposal of waste paper. Purchasing procedures re: recycle of ink cartridges.
Objectives: Reduction of the consumption of non-renewable resources.
Targets: Reduction of the consumption of electricity by 20% within 1 year (based on current year consumption).
Programmes: Electricity consumption monitoring through quarterly utility bill review (a/r). Policy definition re: efficient energy use
Controls: Use of Wireless Energy Meters. Policy and procedures for reduction of energy consumption.
The Certification process shall consist of the following key stages:-
With the right consulting, implementation, preparation and a good understanding of what is required for ISO 14001 Certification, Some documentation needed ready for Certification Process. The documentation will define:
The EMS provides a framework within which all environmental management information can be made available at the press of a button.
Roadmap and plan for ISO 14001 Covering key Points:
Contact Us: If you plan to go for ISO 14001 Certification, you may ask for Quotation by providing your organization's information in application form, you can download the inquiry form available at the website or submit your inquiry through feedback. Alternatively, you may send your inquiry through mail to or call us at: 09898078093
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